Kevin Miller PC 405.443.5100

Category: Guardianship

Estate Planning for Divorced Families

Divorce is not easy. Along with the vast amount of change you go through is managing your estate plan. Because your needs, wants, priorities and goals change during this time, it is essential to adjust your estate plan to reflect these changes. Read on to learn how to update your estate plan after divorce. How…Read More

How to protect your child after they turn 18

Congratulations, your child is now an adult!  It’s an exciting time in their lives. Many parents of an 18-year-old are unsure if they have prepared their child adequately for life as an adult. Also important is creating estate planning documents, because turning eighteen changes how the rest of the world, and how the law, now…Read More

The Big Differences between Guardianships and Conservatorships

A family member or close friend who is concerned about the mental and/or physical capacity of a loved one may decide to seek a formal appointment as the person’s conservator or guardian. Dementia, Alzheimers or a serious illness are the top reasons for a guardianship or conservatorship. Additionally, if a child with special needs who…Read More

What are the duties of a legal guardian for aging parents?

What are the duties of a legal guardian or conservator?  A legal guardian or conservator is appointed by the court when an individual has been determined to be mentally or physically incapacitated. This can also be a minor who is in need of an adult to manage their assets.  Guardians A guardian has a fiduciary…Read More

The Difference Between A Power Of Attorney And Guardianship

You may arrive at a point in life where you need to educate yourself on the legal options available to you as you care for aging parents. If a person loses the capacity to make big decisions for themselves, powers of attorney and guardianships provide different options for making important choices. Understanding the differences between…Read More