Estate Planning in Uncertain Times

The volatile markets, along with the Covid pandemic that we find ourselves in, reminds us that we should revisit estate planning for our family.
While we cannot control events and circumstances, we can create and execute plans that help us to stand firm when adverse situations and uncertain times arise.
If you do not have one yet, an estate plan can keep you focused on your long-term goals so every short-term bump doesn’t distract you from your destination. It’s the only way you can face uncertain times without drowning. So, what’s stopping you from creating and following an estate plan?
Let’s take a look at some reminders and tips about estate planning:
If you already have an estate plan, review those documents and decide if they are current and still reflect your wishes.
Again, if you have a current estate plan, double check your beneficiary designations. Are they current?
Has your financial situation changed in recent years? You may need to create a trust or consider diversifying your portfolio.
The earlier you start thinking about and executing an estate plan, the better. Waiting until you are close to retirement is like an athlete refusing to train or play all season and expecting to be the star of the final match.
Take a look at these reminders to help ease your mind and if we can be of service, please contact us.
Contact Us
Kevin Miller is a probate, estate planning, and elder law attorney in Oklahoma City with more than 30 years of experience. Kevin will help you think through the creation of your will, medical directives, and powers of attorney so that your estate plan will both reflect your wishes and be legally sound.
If you have further questions or would like to discuss the process and pricing, please contact us through the website, or call 405-443-5100.