How to know when it’s time to move your parents into assisted living

When is the right time to move loved ones into an assisted living community? It’s a question faced by many. The answer is different for every family.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why families move their loved ones into retirement communities.
Daily activities
The ability to care adequately for oneself is the main reason why loved ones may be ready for assisted living. This is difficult to assess if loved ones are not able to spend substantial amounts of time with that person.
- bathing
- dressing
- making nutritious meals
- basic housekeeping
- laundry
- brushing their own hair
Many seniors try to hide their inabilities because they don’t want to inconvenience their loved ones. This can lead to accidents in the home and even health emergencies. If a loved one is struggling with more than one of these acitivies of daily living, it may be time to have a conversation about assisted living.
Managing finances
Seniors who are forgetful or are showing signs of dementia may not be able to pay bills on time. If there is a stack of bills on the counter or the utilities are being turned off it may be time to bring up the idea of assisted living.
Frailty or decline of health
Older adults may begin to have a difficult time managing their medications on a daily basis. They may also begin to have a difficult time standing up from a sitting position or experiencing falls. These are all valid reasons to consider a move to an assisted living facility.
As loved ones begin to realize their senior is struggling with daily life, it’s fair to assume they’ve been struggling for some time. Conversations with your aging senior will help them ease into the idea of receiving help. Assisted living may not be the right fit either. A home health agency that can assist your older adult as they age in their own home is a great solution too. There are choices when it comes to elder care.