What is a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care?

A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care allows you to name someone else, usually a family member, to make decisions about your medical care in case you are unable to make those decisions yourself. It gives that person instructions about the kinds of medical treatment you want and don’t want.
Durable Power of Attorneys are important because even the healthiest person may have a sudden accident and not be able to speak for herself.
Take note though. There are specific steps that must be taken to ensure that your durable power of attorney will be valid and executed according to law.
A lawyer or a notary must witness your signature for the power of attorney. In order to carry out a durable power of attorney, you must be fully competent and over the age of 18. Being fully competent means you understand the implications of what you decide.
The durable power of attorney should specify exactly what powers you are giving to the agent.
A durable power of attorney for healthcare is also known as an advance directive or a medical power of attorney.
A durable power of attorney for healthcare is one of the most thoughtful things that you can do for your family. Should you ever become unable to communicate your wishes to the medical professionals, this document will make it clear to your loved ones exactly what you want and don’t want at the end of your life as it pertains to your medical care.
Contact us to get your Durable Power of Attorney started today.
Contact Us
Kevin Miller is ready to assist you in creating a durable power of attorney so your affairs are taken care of in uncertain times. It is important that you make estate planning a priority regardless of your age or amount of assets. Kevin Miller has extensive experience in estate planning and will put your interests first. Contact us or call us at 405-443-5100 if you have questions. We are here to help.