Kevin Miller PC 405.443.5100

Planning to provide.

Oklahoma City Estate Planning, Probate and Elder Law Attorney With Over 35 Years of Experience.

For me, estate planning is more than property and money. It is about planning, providing, and caring for you and your loved ones, both now and in the future. I am client-focused and results-oriented.

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Practice Areas

LGBTQ+ Life & Estate Planning

I provide comprehensive and strategic life and estate planning for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) individuals and families.

Probate & Estate Administration

Death is always a difficult matter. When a loved one passes away, his or her estate may be required to proceed through a court process.

Elder Law

As an advocate for elderly individuals and their loved ones, Kevin Miller can help manage a wide range of legal matters affecting an older or disabled person.

Special Needs Planning

A Supplemental Needs Trust also known as a Special Needs Trust (SNT) can be an effective estate planning tool.

Business Law

Start Up Services I regularly advise and represent clients on issues involving the formation of an appropriate business entity.


Make Estate Planning One of Your New Year’s Resolutions

Have you started on your resolutions for 2021? Let’s see, get to the gym, control your spending, what else?  How about create and organize your estate plan?  The idea seems daunting, but estate planning is the best gift that you can give both to yourself and your family. Additionally, we all find ourselves with more time…Read More

How to Help Aging Parents With Their Finances

At some point in our parent’s lives, most adult children will need to manage their parent’s finances. Recognizing this responsibility is necessary is the easiest part of the undertaking, the rest should be handled with empathy, patience and persistence. Americans are living longer. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…Read More

Remember Incapacity Planning

While most estate planning tends to focus on a person’s property, a comprehensive plan will include planning if you become disabled or incapacitated as a result of an accident, injury, disease or illness. Good incapacity planning will include the following “tools”: Revocable Living Trust. While this type of trust will hold your assets, a properly…Read More

What is a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care?

A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care allows you to name someone else, usually a family member, to make decisions about your medical care in case you are unable to make those decisions yourself. It gives that person instructions about the kinds of medical treatment you want and don’t want. Durable Power of Attorneys are important…Read More