Kevin Miller PC 405.443.5100


Who needs a trust?

Before we consider the need for a trust, it’s important to understand exactly what a trust is.  A trust is a legal document that is formed between two or more parties where one person, who is called a trustee, holds property on behalf of another, called a beneficiary. More specifically, a trust is created when property…Read More

How to prepare to receive an inheritance

The passing of a loved one is a stressful time for anyone. Add an inheritance into the mix and relationships between family members can add even more stress. One thing is certain; receiving an inheritance without proper planning is the best course of action. Below are some things to consider before moving forward with an…Read More

Consider caregiving costs when planning for retirement

Financial planning for retirement normally includes some travel and more time to be social with friends. However, most older adults do not allow for caregiving in their retirement budget – whether it’s hiring a caregiver to care for a loved one or being a caregiver themselves. Planning for Care When caregiving needs become a priority for…Read More

When is the right time to take the car keys from your loved one?

Driving a car can feel like second nature, but as we age that feeling turns into uncertainty. Aging affects eyesight, reflexes and overall safety while driving. The decision to take car keys away from an aging family member or friend is an emotional one but having those hard conversations earlier and paying attention to any…Read More

How to know when it’s time to move your parents into assisted living

When is the right time to move loved ones into an assisted living community? It’s a question faced by many. The answer is different for every family. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why families move their loved ones into retirement communities. Daily activities The ability to care adequately for…Read More

Is long-term care insurance really worth it?

Long-term care insurance is a type of coverage that helps pay the expenses of long-term care as people age, from assisted living facilities, nursing homes and caretakers to medical equipment and adult daycare services. Like any insurance, there is a level of uncertainty about whether it will repay the buyer in benefits. Given that nearly everyone will need…Read More

Wills and trusts for military families

Members of the military have a more dangerous occupation than the average American. Because of this, service members should make estate planning a priority. Make a plan and prioritize estate planning now so in the event that something happens to you, your loved ones will have clear instructions for your assets. Letter of instruction A…Read More

Estate planning during periods of market volatility

The stock market entered bear market territory earlier this year. The combination of higher interest rates and inflation, coupled with the covid pandemic, has caused the 20% market decline that qualifies the “bear market” conditions. When it comes to estate planning, this environment creates opportunities for some individuals and challenges for others. Opportunities Individuals can…Read More