Kevin Miller PC 405.443.5100

Planning to provide.

Oklahoma City Estate Planning, Probate and Elder Law Attorney With Over 35 Years of Experience.

For me, estate planning is more than property and money. It is about planning, providing, and caring for you and your loved ones, both now and in the future. I am client-focused and results-oriented.

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Practice Areas

LGBTQ+ Life & Estate Planning

I provide comprehensive and strategic life and estate planning for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) individuals and families.

Probate & Estate Administration

Death is always a difficult matter. When a loved one passes away, his or her estate may be required to proceed through a court process.

Elder Law

As an advocate for elderly individuals and their loved ones, Kevin Miller can help manage a wide range of legal matters affecting an older or disabled person.

Special Needs Planning

A Supplemental Needs Trust also known as a Special Needs Trust (SNT) can be an effective estate planning tool.

Business Law

Start Up Services I regularly advise and represent clients on issues involving the formation of an appropriate business entity.



Beneficiary designations are widely used in financial and estate planning.  These designations are commonly used to name the individuals or entities who are to receive the proceeds of life insurance policies, annuities or retirement plans after the death of the owner. Through the use of beneficiary designations, many assets can be transferred after death without any…Read More

The Importance of Digital Assets

Access to your digital assets and accounts in the event of your disability or death is an important part of any estate plan.  Every year your digital presence grows. Some of your digital accounts may be tied to your bank accounts and some may not. Either way, you should have an ongoing list of all…Read More

Why You Need To Keep Wills and Trusts Current

Wills and trusts are important elements in any comprehensive estate plan.  These legal documents are called “living documents”. Most people realize it is important to have a will and/or trust, but many forget to update them as changes in their situation occur. Those who create a will or trust using an estate planning website usually…Read More

Estate Planning Strategies In A COVID-19 World

T   The year 2021 has arrived, and along with it the COVID vaccine. As people get vaccinated across Oklahoma City, and the spread of the COVID virus is starting to lessen, we are still not out of the woods yet.  The rapid increase in the number of people getting their wills, advance directives, and…Read More

Contemplating A Second Walk Down the Aisle: Better Update Your Estate Plan!

If you are in a second marriage or planning another trip down the aisle, then estate planning can get complicated very fast. You probably want to provide for your current spouse but not inadvertently benefit your former spouse.  If you have children from either marriage, then juggling their interests can be a challenge. Take Inventory…Read More