Most of us have an idea in our minds of how we would want our estate to be distributed at the time of our death. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans do not have those thoughts down on paper in the form of a will. A will is only the starting point of a well-thought-out estate plan….Read More
Many people assume that a basic estate plan means having a will. In reality, there is so much more to a solid estate plan. In reality, a well-designed estate plan should be designed to help save on taxes, protect assets and help to avoid probate. A good plan should also appoint someone to act for you…Read More
Beneficiary designations are widely used in financial and estate planning. These designations are commonly used to name the individuals or entities who are to receive the proceeds of life insurance policies, annuities or retirement plans after the death of the owner. Through the use of beneficiary designations, many assets can be transferred after death without any…Read More
If you are in a second marriage or planning another trip down the aisle, then estate planning can get complicated very fast. You probably want to provide for your current spouse but not inadvertently benefit your former spouse. If you have children from either marriage, then juggling their interests can be a challenge. Take Inventory…Read More
Most people have the best of intentions when it comes to planning their estate. However, in the absence of proper planning, the best of intentions may not be enough. Here are six of the most common estate planning blunders people make: Failing to plan. The biggest mistake is not planning in the first place. A…Read More
In recent days, many people who have never done their estate planning are now realizing that it should be a top priority. We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. In the unfortunate instance that you or your loved ones become ill with Covid-19, you should have a Medical Power of Attorney on hand….Read More
What are the duties of a legal guardian or conservator? A legal guardian or conservator is appointed by the court when an individual has been determined to be mentally or physically incapacitated. This can also be a minor who is in need of an adult to manage their assets. Guardians A guardian has a fiduciary…Read More
The COVID-19 pandemic is sparking an increase in estate planning. People are creating their wills, medical directives, and powers of attorney through one of the many websites that provide legal services because it’s convenient less expensive. Those websites will not solve your problems if you have a unique situation. Say, children from an earlier marriage…Read More
Our amount of time on this earth is unpredictable. As the average life expectancy continues to rise, most Americans feel like they have all the time in the world before they need to focus on something as unsettling as their own death. In some minds, thinking about death equates to thinking about estate planning. But,…Read More
Do you have a will? How about a power of attorney or advance medical directive? If you have a retirement account, own your own home, or have children, you need an estate plan. If you have what you believe to be minimal assets, an estate plan is still in your best interests. Anyone can become…Read More